Wool Sweater Marius® for Kids with Zip, Lotus Pink

We also bring the most famous Norwegian model MARIUS® in children's sizes. A classic sweater made of the popular fine 100% merino wool will please and warm you up. The sweater has a pleasant high collar with a zipper and a loop in the color of the Norwegian flag. The gray-pink color combination is designed for children. The Norwegian Marius® pattern...
Kč 2,299
Product available with different options
size: 3-4 yrs. 4-5 yrs. 6-7 yrs.

MARIUS children's socks, pink non-slip

We also bring the most famous Norwegian MARIUS® pattern in children's sizes. Great merino wool socks are a sure choice to keep you and your children's feet dry and warm. Wool wicks away moisture and warms. The socks are non-slip thanks to the rubber dots underneath. We deliver in two sizes for children around 1-2 years (size 22-26) and 2-4 years (size...
Kč 499
In Stock
size: 2-4 yrs. 18-24 m.

dětská kombinéza BRYNJE Arctic Kids

Geniální propojení síťoviny jako základní vrstvy a merino trika. Dvouvrstvá funkční kombinéza s kapucí zajistí vašemu dítěti pocit tepla a sucha při jakýchkoli aktivitách i při odpočinku. Opravdové termoprádlo s termostatem! Vítěz testu norského časopisu pro rodiče Foreldre.no
Kč 3,690
In Stock
size: 5-6 yrs. 7-8 yrs. 3-4 yrs.

MARIUS children's socks, blue non-slip

We also bring the most famous Norwegian MARIUS® pattern in children's sizes. Great merino wool socks are a sure choice to keep you and your children's feet dry and warm. Wool wicks away moisture and warms. The socks are non-slip thanks to the rubber dots underneath. We deliver in two sizes for children around 1-2 years (size 22-26) and 2-4 years (size...
Kč 499
In Stock
size: 18-24 m.