Švédsko-český a česko-švédský praktický slovník
Extended and up-to-date edition of the Swedish Pocket Dictionary containing approximately 40,000 passwords, speech vocabulary and basic terminology from politics, economics, commerce, banking, law, computer technology, etc. The vocabulary j
Kč 472
zašleme do 24 hodin
NE:s Fickordbok - Norsko-švédský a švédsko-norský kapesní...
Norský kapesní slovník od Nationalencyklopedin AB je malý, ale přesto velmi obsáhlý norsko-švédský/švédsko-norský slovník obsahující přibližně 32 000 slov a frází. Je informativní a ideální pro základní studium nebo cestování do Norska a Švédska.
Kč 1,089
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Rivstart - Yrkesliv
Rivstart Yrkesliv je učebnice speciálně napsaná pro vás, kteří se chcete naučit švédštinu v práci! Díky jasné struktuře a rozmanitým cvičením Rivstart se naučíte švédštinu rychleji.
Kč 879
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Dánština - konverzace
Unique Czech-Danish conversation with dictionary and grammar. 320 pages, 2,600 sentences and phrases, 1,600 words and themes, 6,000 dictionary passwords, pronunciation transcripts, recommendations, and notifications of useful attachments. Format A6.
Kč 252
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Norwegian - Travel Conversation + CD
Norwegian Conversation Manual with Pronunciation CDNumber of pages: 30, Format: 120 × 150mm, Binding: spiral
Kč 274
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God i norsk 1 arbeidsbok - workbook
The workbook follows the chapters in the textbook and contains grammar, oral and written tasks, listening exercises and tests for each chapter. Accompanying texts only in Norwegian (bokmaal). Norwegian level A1/A2
Kč 1,704
God i norsk 1 textbook - textbook
The textbook contains dialogues, explanatory texts, speaking and writing exercises, grammar lessons and a dictionary, accompanying texts only in Norwegian (bokmaal). Norwegian level A1/A2
Kč 1,759
Pa Vei 2018 - CD for teachers
CD for teachers of Norwegian for the textbook Pa vei 2018. It contains audio tracks for the textbook and workbook. Special exercises for the needs of the teacher to test and practice listening to Norwegian. Box contains 8 CDs.
Kč 3,990
Norges historie - Oivind Stenersen
Who is Birkebeiner? When did Norwegian women get the right to vote? What personalities formed Norwegian history? How did the language develop and how Norway behaved during the war? The simple language described Norwegian history for both beginners and advanced Norwegian students in the Norwegian language bokmaal . 152 pages. Brochure binding.
Kč 879