

Rodinná firma vyrábí své pletené klenoty kousek od Bergenu. Norská vlna nebo merino vlna zahřeje a dlouho vydrží.


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  • size: M (50)
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  • size: L (54)
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  • size: XXL (60-62)

Norský svetr Norlender JOTUNHEIMEN

Norský svetr ze 100% merino vlny od firmy Norlender s dlouholetou rodinnou tradicí. Unisex svetr JOTUNHEIMEN je jednovrstvý lehký svetr pletený v kombinaci tmavě modré barvy s bílým, typickým norským vzorem na prsou a rukávech. Vrchní část od vzoru k ramenům je vzdušněji pletená. Svetr se obléká přes hlavu a má zapínání na zip u krku.
Kč 6,199
Product available with different options
size: L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

Svetr Norlender EIKEDALEN windstopper

Celorozepínací svetr z pravé norské vlny od firmy Norlender. Svetr EIKEDALEN je dvouvrstvý norský svetr pletený ze 100% norské vlny s větruodolnou podšívkou. Fleecové podšití u krku a stahovací šňurka ve spodním lemu jsou praktické vychytávky svetru, který neprofoukne. Po stranách najdete kapsy na zip.
Kč 6,999
Product available with different options
size: M (50-52) L (54) XL (56-58) XXL (60-62)

Norwegian sweater Norlender BREHEIMEN, dark blue, 100%...

Norwegian sweater made of 100% merino wool from the Norlender company with a long-standing family tradition. Unisex sweater BREHEIMEN is a single-layer light sweater knitted in a combination of dark blue with a white, typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. The upper part from the pattern to the shoulders is more airily knitted. The sweater is...
Kč 6,999
Product available with different options
size: M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

Norwegian sweater Norlender TORSHAVN, 100% wool

Original sweater made of genuine Norwegian wool from Norlender. The TÓRSHAVN sweater is a traditional woolen sweater, densely knitted from 100% Norwegian wool in beige color with a round neckline and knitted patterns around the perimeter and on the sleeves.
Kč 4,799
Product available with different options
size: S (48) M (50-52) L (54) XL (56-58)

Norwegian sweater Norlender JOTUNHEIMEN, 100% merino wool

Norwegian sweater made of 100% merino wool from the Norlender company with a long family tradition. Unisex sweater JOTUNHEIMEN is a single-layer light sweater knitted in a combination of dark blue color with a white, typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. The upper part from the pattern to the shoulders is more airy knitted. The sweater is...
Kč 6,199
Product available with different options
size: M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

Norlender Norwegian sweater SETESDAL, white, 100% merino...

Norwegian sweater from the finest merino wool by Norlender with a long family tradition. Unisex sweater with the best-known pattern SETESDAL is a single-layer sweater knitted in a combination of white and dark blue with a typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. Without pockets.
Kč 5,999
Product available with different options
size: XS (46) L (52) XL (54)