Road maps

Automapy Švédsko

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Automapy Švédsko

Map Sweden 3 - Östra Svealand - 1: 250,000

Part 3 of the detailed map of Sweden, scale 1: 250,000, includes the southeast of Sweden - Östra Svealand, includes the capital Stockholm, then Uppsala - Norrköping - Linköping and the Falun mountain resort. Folded autoturistic map. Released in Sweden.
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Map of Öland 1: 100 000

One-sided tourist map with hiking and biking trails, camping sites, camps, churches, tourist information centers, NP borders, cultural and historical monuments. The most interesting sites are marked with a number and separately described on the reverse side of the text (Swedish, English, German).
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Mapa celého Švédska 1:800 000 - Sverige Easy Map

Jednostranná turistická mapa obsahující turistické a cykloturistické značení, dále zaznačeny tábořiště, kempy, kostely, turistická informační centra, hranice NP, kulturní a historické památky. Nejzajímavější lokality jsou označeny číslem a samostatně popsány na rubové straně v textové části (švédsky, anglicky, německy). měřítko 1:800 000

Comprehensive map of Sweden - Sverige med rasteplasser...

A simplified map of Sweden with roads, distances and landscape boundaries at a scale of 1:1.2 mil. Developed together with M-Sverige with the Tafikverket agency's database of Swedish rest areas. A total of 313 rest areas are marked on the map and named in the register. Traffic maps of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Published in Sweden, information in...