Turistic maps

Turistické mapy Švédsko

Chystáte se na trek po norských horách? Vyberte si z našich map, které dovážíme přímo od norských vydavatelů. Především turistické mapy jsou velmi odolné rozmarům počasí. V mapách jsou zakresleny turistické trasy i s časovými údaji. Díky podrobnému měřítku se v horách už neztratíte.

Turistické mapy Švédsko

Map KUNGSLEDEN Abisko - Kebnekaise 1:50 000

One-sided tourist map with hiking and biking trails, camping sites, camps, churches, tourist information centers, NP borders, cultural and historical monuments. The most interesting sites are marked with a number and separately described on the reverse side in a text section (Swedish, English).
Kč 659
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Map KUNGSLEDEN Kebnekaise - Saltoluokta 1:50 000

One-sided tourist map with hiking and biking trails, camping sites, camps, churches, tourist information centers, NP borders, cultural and historical monuments. The most interesting sites are marked with a number and separately described on the reverse side in a text section (Swedish, English).
Kč 659
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BD4 Kiruna Fjällkarta 1:100.000

A detailed tourist map of the area around the Swedish city of Kiruna. Suitable for tourist guides, travelers and adventurers. Trails for snowmobiles are also marked. The map is printed on paper that resists weather. Texts only in Swedish, clear information and legends in English and German.
Kč 494
zašleme do 24 hodin
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Högalpin card Kebnekaise - tourist map 1:15,000

This is a unique map with many details that have never been shown on a map of Sweden's highest mountain. Map terrain information is based on aerial laser scanning. For the first time, cliffs, larger rocks, forests and waterways appear with true-to-life accuracy. The current extent of the glaciers and the fracture zones were created in collaboration with...
Kč 494
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Sodra Gotland 1:60,000 - tourist map of the island

The 1:60,000 scale waterproof terrain map of Sodra Gotland is perfect for those of you who are hiking or cycling on the island, or if you just want to find your way down by car to one of the semi-secret beaches. The northern part of Gotland + Faro can be found under the name Norra Gotland + Faro.
Kč 494
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Map KUNGSLEDEN Adolfstrom - Hemavan 1:50 000

One-sided tourist map with hiking and biking trails, camping sites, camps, churches, tourist information centers, NP borders, cultural and historical monuments. The most interesting sites are marked with a number and separately described on the reverse side in a text section (Swedish, English).
Kč 659
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Map KUNGSLEDEN Kvikkjokk - Adolfstrom 1:50 000

One-sided tourist map with hiking and biking trails, camping sites, camps, churches, tourist information centers, NP borders, cultural and historical monuments. The most interesting sites are marked with a number and separately described on the reverse side in a text section (Swedish, English).
Kč 659
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BD8 Kebnekaise - Saltoluokta - Tourist Map 1: 100,000

Detailed tourist map Kebnekaise - Saltoloukta. Suitable for tourist guides, travelers and adventurers. Roads for snowmobiles are also marked. The map is printed on paper that resists weather. Texts only in Swedish, well-arranged information and legend in English and German.
Kč 494
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Turistická mapa Stockholm 1:13 000

Velmi podrobná mapa hlavního města Švédska obsahující zaznačené sportovní centra/hřiště, kostely, turistická informační centra, vyhlídková místa, kulturní a historické památky. Měřítko 1:13 000, Vydáno ve Švédsku v roce 2022.
Kč 351
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Halti Kilpisjärvi Pältsa - turistická mapa 1:50.000

Turistická mapa trojmezí tří království Skandinávie zachycující ndhernou přírodu nacházející se v oblasti Přírodní rezervace Käsivarsi. Cesta Kalotti vede na západ z Kilpisjärvi do Pältsa a Parase a na severovýchod do Halti, kam se lze dostat kratší cestou ze severu. Texty pouze v dánštině, přehledné informace a legenda i v...
Kč 549
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Grövelsjön & Rogen - turistická mapa 1:50.000

Toto je přeshraniční mapa celé oblasti mezi Grövelsjön na jihu a Tänndalen na severu. Mapa pokrývá oblíbenou horskou oblast kolem Rogen a dvou národních parků - Femundsmarka v Norsku a Töfsingdalen ve Švédsku. Texty pouze ve švédštině, přehledné informace a legenda i v angličtině. Díky materiálu Tyvek® je zcela odolná vodě a vysoce odolná...
Kč 549
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Kungsleden: Kvikkjokk–Adolfström - tourist map 1:50,000

Tourist map of part of the Kungsleden (King's trail) hiking trail in northern Sweden, approximately 440 kilometers long, between Abisko National Park in the north and Hemavan in the south. Thanks to the Tyvek® material, it is completely waterproof and highly tear-resistant. Tyvek will not wear out in the crease or lose color with use.
Kč 549
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Nordkinnhalvoya - tourist map 1:60,000

Tourist map of the northernmost peninsula of mainland Europe, Nordkinnhalvoya, and the Finnmark region. A good hiking map is a great helper when planning nice hikes in the Finnmark region. Texts only in Norwegian, clear information and legend also in English. Thanks to the Tyvek® material, it is completely waterproof and highly tear-resistant.
Kč 549
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Norra Gotland + Faro 1:60,000 - tourist map of the island

The 1:60,000 waterproof terrain map of Norra Gotland and Faro is perfect for those of you who are hiking or cycling on the island, or if you just want to find your way down by car to one of the semi-secret beaches. The southern part of the island of Gotland can be found under the name Sodra Gotland.
Kč 494
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Sarek National Park - turistická mapa 1:50.000

Podrobná turistická mapa švédského národního parku Sarek. Vhodná pro turistické průvodce, cestovatele a dobrodruhy. Vyznačeny i cesty pro sněžné skútry. Mapa je vytištěna na papír, který odolá počasí. Texty pouze ve švédštině, přehledné informace a legenda i v angličtině a němčině.
Kč 549
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BD6 Abisko-Kebnekaise-Narvik 1:100.000

A detailed tourist map of the Swedish National Park Abosko. Suitable for tourist guides, travelers and adventurers. Trails for snowmobiles are also marked. The map is printed on paper that resists weather. Texts only in Swedish, clear information and legends in English and German.
Kč 494
zašleme do 24 hodin
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