Trika s rolákem

Trika s rolákem

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Trika s rolákem

BRYNJE Super Thermo Zip polo Shirt w/inlay

Blue mesh with shoulder straps, long sleeves and turtleneck, ideal first layer. The original mesh is double-woven from polypropylene, has excellent insulating properties, quickly drying out. In deep frosts and warm weather.
Kč 1,990
In Stock
size: XS (46) S (48) M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

BRYNJE Super Thermo polo Shirt

Black mesh with long sleeve and turtleneck, ideal first layer. The original mesh is double-woven from polypropylene, has excellent insulating properties, quickly drying out. In deep frosts and warm weather.
Kč 1,750
In Stock
size: M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

BRYNJE Arctic Double Zip-polo 3/4 neck

Genius link mesh as a base layer and Merino t-shirt. The two-layer functional roller will give you a feeling of warmth and dryness in any activity or rest. No more frosting, no layering of any other clothes. True thermal underwear with a thermostat! Winner of Norwegian Thermal Tests.
Kč 4,250
Product available with different options
size: XS (46) S (48) M (50) L (52)

rolák BRYNJE Arctic Double Zip-polo 3/4 neck w/inlay

Novinka s výztuhou na ramenou na vnitřní straně pro větší komfort při zátěži. Spojení funční síťoviny Super Thermo a plného merino trika vám zajistí pocit tepla a sucha při jakýchkoli aktivitách i při odpočinku. Triko má zvýšený stojáček s rozepínáním na zip. Už žádné mrznutí, žádné vrstvení dalšího oblečení. Opravdové termoprádlo s termostatem! Vítěz...
Kč 4,250
In Stock
size: M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)