

4 prsty, dlouhý nos a malý ocásek. Troll přináší svému majiteli štěstí, pokud se o něj dobře stará.


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Sweater Troll with flag - Mini Geir

Original figurine of the Norwegian elf from the Lommedas-troll collection. Troll Mini Geir in sweater with Norwegian flag. Height 6 cm, width 3 cm. Like the right troll has 4 fingers, a long nose and a small tail. Troll brings happiness to his owner if he cares well about it.
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Troll in T-shirt with flag and helmet - Mini Sune

Original figurine of the Norwegian elf from the Lommedas-troll collection. Troll Mini Sune in trick with Norwegian flag. Height 6 cm, width 3 cm. Like the right troll has 4 fingers, a long nose and a small tail. Troll brings happiness to his owner if he cares well about it.
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Troll Lasse with salmon and fishing rod

Original figurine of the Norwegian elf from the Lommedals-troll collection. Troll Lasse with salmon and fishing rod. 8 cm high, 8 cm wide. Like the right troll, he has four fingers on his legs and hands, a long nose and a small tail. Troll brings happiness to his owner if he cares well about it.
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Troll Mini Frode s norskou vlajkou

Originální mini figurka norského skřítka z kolekce Lommedals-troll. Troll Frode s norskou vlajkou. 8 cm vysoký, 5 cm široký. Jako správný troll má 4 prsty na nohou i rukou, dlouhý nos a malý ocásek. Troll přináší svému majiteli štěstí, pokud se o něj dobře stará.
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Troll fisherman with cod - Mini Torske - Torstein

An original figurine of a Norwegian elf from the Lommedas-troll collection. Troll Mini Torske - Torstein in a hat with a fish. Height 6 cm, width 3 cm. As a true troll, he has 4 fingers, a long nose and a small tail. A troll brings good luck to his owner if he takes good care of him.
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Troll Frode with Norwegian flag

An original figurine of a Norwegian elf from the Lommedals-troll collection. Troll Frode with Norwegian flag. 8 cm high, 8 cm wide. As a true troll, he has 4 toes and hands, a long nose and a small tail. A troll brings good luck to his owner if he takes good care of him.
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Troll Skjold - Skage with shield with Norwegian flag

The original Norwegian troll figurine from the Lommedals-troll collection. Troll Skage with shield with Norwegian flag and Viking helmet. Height 14 cm, width 10 cm. As the right troll has 4 fingers, a long nose and a small tail. Troll brings happiness to its owner if they take good care of him.
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Sweater Troll with flag - Geir

Original figurine of the Norwegian elf from the Lommedals-troll collection. Troll Geir in a sweater with a Norwegian flag. 14 cm high, 8 cm wide. Like the right troll has 4 fingers, a long nose and a small tail. Troll brings happiness to his owner if he cares well about it.
zašleme do 24 hodin
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Troll Storskjold - Stein with a shield with the Norwegian...

An original figurine of a Norwegian elf from the Lommedals-troll collection. Troll Stein with a large shield with the Norwegian flag and a Viking helmet. Height 14 cm, width 8 cm. As a true troll, he has 4 fingers, a long nose and a small tail. A troll brings good luck to his owner if he takes good care of him.
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Troll s čepicí - Lukas

Originální figurka norského skřítka z kolekce Lommedals-troll. Troll Lukas v pletené čepici a s norskou vlaječkou na kalhotách. Výška 8,5 cm, šířka 8 cm. Jako správný troll má 4 prsty, dlouhý nos a malý ocásek. Troll přináší svému majiteli štěstí, pokud se o něj dobře stará.
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